Advanced Coding Fall 2019

Advanced coding builds on your interactive storytelling skills, enhances your knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS and takes you to the next level as a coder

TC McCarthy | [email protected] | 5:30 - 8:20 Thu | Room 432


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Class 1 - Intro

Welcome! Intros, goals and diving into our HTML refresher

Code Academy: Intro to JS course

Code academy has a great intro course that covers much of what you'll need to know about Javascript in order to write scrapers in NodeJS. Complete the training before next class, where we will dive deep into JS syntax.  

Class 2 - JS refresher

Code Academy: Intro to JS course

Data types, variables, and some of the basics of JS

Interactive story pitch (CUNY)

Pitch three story ideas that lend themselves to an interactive to be built in this class. The story can be unique to this class or the assignment for another but the interactive can only be for this class.

Code Academy: Intro to jQuery

jQuery is a JS library widely adopted by news developers because of its ease of use, familiary selection process and wide ranging methods for DOM manipulation.

Code academy's course introduces you to jQuery and its power.

Class 3 - JS refresher

Interactive story pitch (CUNY)

Code Academy: Intro to jQuery

jQuery, selection, methods and all of the things that make your JS life easier.

Code Academy: Intro to Arrays

Do Code Academy's intro to arrays course

Class 4 - Arrays

Code Academy: Intro to Arrays

Storing data and lists in JS

Code Academy: Intro to Objects

Do Code Academy's intro to objects course

Class 5 - Objects, part 1

Code Academy: Intro to Objects

Getting started with objects, complex but powerful structures in javascript

Code Academy: Intro to Objects II

Do Code Academy's intro to objects course, part ii


Class 6 - Objects, part 2

Code Academy: Intro to Objects II

Taking objects to the next level -- instantiating your own, working with defaults, etc.

Interactive pitch (CUNY)

Pitch three storytelling experiences for your approved story. Pitches must be complete with wireframes and must tap heavily into the skills from this class.

Class 7 - Scroll spies and keeping things light but automated

Interactive pitch (CUNY)

Scroll-based events have become popular with news sites and social media, using events to do everything from displaying ads, to promoting newsletters, to starting videos.

Youtube API documentation

Read up on the documentation and try to get an example set up.

Complete in class assignment

Finish your in-class assignment to be shown in class next week.

Class 8 - APIs and YouTube part I

Youtube API documentation

APIs allow us programmatic access popular services like twitter, facebook and YouTube. We can customize our users' experience and use the powerful tools to assist in telling our stories.

Youtube API custom video experience

Use the youtube iframe API to build your own custom video experience with external buttons that play, pause and restart a video on the page.

Class 9 - APIs and YouTube part II

Youtube API custom video experience

After we review your homework we continue our journey into the youtube api's power

Youtube API and scroll spies

Combine your knowledge of the youtube iframe API and scroll spies to create a video list that plays videos that are in view on mute and pauses them when they move out of view.


It's election day!

Class 10 - Lodash and working with data in your JS objects

jQuery isn't the only JS library in town. Lodash, a fork of underscore, makes it easier for developers and journalists to search, filter and sort our complex data objects and arrays

Complete in class assignment

Finish your in-class assignment to be shown in class next week.

Class 11 - Workshop

Class 12 - Workshop

Class 13 - Workshop

Class 14 - Final presentations



If circumstances prevent your attending class, the instructor must be informed by phone or email on or before the day of class or within 24 hours afterward.

Deadlines in Journalism Matter

You must meet Deadlines by filing your assignments no later than due date and time. Missing a deadline results in an automatic half-grade reduction. Your grade will continue to drop by half a grade for each subsequent day after the deadline until you file your assignment. Plan ahead and remember that in journalism: done is better than perfect. It will always be better to hand in something than nothing. If you are having trouble with your assignment let me know immediately, do not wait until it is too late.


It is a serious ethical violation to take any material created by another person and represent it as your own original work. Any such plagiarism will result in serious disciplinary action, including possible dismissal from the CUNY J-School. Plagiarism may involve copying text from a book or magazine without attributing the source, or lifting words, photographs, videos, or other materials from the Internet and attempting to pass them off as your own. Student work may be analyzed electronically for plagiarized content. Please use comments in your HTML/CSS/JS to attribute code snippets you have found on support forums or elsewhere. For example:

Sample markup happens here


You can email me at [email protected]. The class also has a slack team you must sign up for using your email address.


Final interactive




