JRN 381 Spring 2018

Students will combine their advanced journalistic skills in reporting, writing and producing with advanced multimedia techniques to learn how to create a rich, multimedia website. The form of this website will be a site featuring content from JRN 490, though the techniques learned in creating the site will be applicable to any other multimedia site, including portfolios. Students will combine text with video, photos and interactive features to produce a finished site running a content management system. Significant computer use will be required outside of class time.


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Class 1 - Welcome!

Introduction. Going over class policies and procedures. Show examples of solid portfolio and project sites and sites with some weaknesses. Overview of terms.

Code Academy: Intro to HTML

In Code Academy's Introduction to HTML course complete the following sections:

Learn HTML: Elements and Structure

Learn HTML: Tables

Class 2 - The basics

Code Academy: Intro to HTML

HTML overview and web page elements. In-class exercise: About me page, done using only HTML. This will be a predominantly hands-on class with lots of opportunity to ask questions as they come up.

Complete your about me page

Below is the criteria for the about me page:

  • One <h1> tag
  • At least one <h2> tag in a proper section.
  • At least one <h3> tag in a proper section.
  • One Unordered List or One Ordered List.
  • A brief bio that uses at least four <p> tags.
  • At least one <img> tag.
  • At least two <a> tags.

Code Academy: Selector intro

Being able to target your various HTML elements is very important for applying styles, adding effects or many other things. Targeting HTML elements is called "selecting".

Code academy's intro lesson should get you started on understanding the nuances of figuring out element selectors.

Class 3 - Targeting your HTML for beauty, CSS Part 1

Complete your about me page

Code Academy: Selector intro

You'll probably find from building your 'about me' that raw HTML can leave a bit to be desired in terms of your site's appearance. Let's look at how you can target different elements on the page for color, font size, and various additional customizations.

Take Code Academy's intro to CSS course

Complete Code Academy's full course introducing you to CSS

Class 4 - Making your pages pretty, CSS Part 2

Take Code Academy's intro to CSS course

Now that you know how to target an element, learn what you can do to customize it!

Build a CSS robot

General Assembly's DASH online learning program has a great exercise to help you learn the relationship between CSS and HTML. Go to https://dash.generalassemb.ly/projects, set up an account and then do Project 4: Build a CSS Robot. You do not need to do projects 1-3. This is a fun but lengthy exercise. Please take a screen grab of the completed product (of your entire screen) when you're done and email it to me along with the HTML from the exercise. It's ok if the HTML doesn't work outside of DASH, I just need it for review. The metadata of the screen grab and other elements will be inspected to prevent plagiarism.

Class 5 - Wireframing and site planning

Build a CSS robot

Sitting down to code without any prior planning can land you in a corner. We will go over the process for figuring out general layout and features for a site that you should use before building.

Sketch out a wireframe for a story

On paper, sketch out a proposed layout for an article you’re working on in another class or student media.

Register a domain

Using namecheap, godaddy or the registrar of your choice, purchase a domain name (for as long a period as you like, I suggest a minimum of 1 year) for your site. You should not spend more than $15.00 on this.

Data viz initial reporting

Pull together as much data for your visualization as you can -- you will begin work in the next class.

Class 6 - Design in practice

Sketch out a wireframe for a story

Fundamentals of Design: Improve the visual competency of any website or application by keeping design in mind. Learn the fundamental design principles of typography, color, and layout.

Sketch out a wireframe for your site

On paper, sketch out a proposed layout for your site and clearly mark features. Write requirements.

Execute or complete article design

Class 6 - Begin building site

Execute or complete article design

Sketch out a wireframe for your site

Data viz initial reporting

Register a domain

Now that your domain is purchased you can begin building out your homepage. You will have in class time to do this.

Site Checkpoint #1

Your homepage should look almost finished. You should have chosen site colors, features and layout and have them implemented for presentation.


Class 7 - In class critiques

Site Checkpoint #1

Present your homepage up to this point. Students will critique each others work.

Continue working on your site

Continue to make changes your site and improve it toward its finished project. Be sure to note any hangups to get help in class.


Class 8 - Intro to data viz and interactivity

There's more to storytelling than words and images. Students will learn about making raw data relatable to users and story telling via experience.

Write data viz pitch

Write a pitch for 3 possible data visualizations to accompany your 490 story on the web. Your pitch should include initial reporting, actual verified data that is usable in your visualization. Your pitch should also include the following:

  1. What value does this visualization add?
  2. What type of user is most likely to engage with this visualization?
  3. How much time do I estimate it will take me to complete?
  4. How did I verify its accuracy?
A copy of your reporting for each proposed visualization should be included as well (link to the data source, spreadsheet produced by reporting, etc. Data should be nearly complete for the pitch). This is a very important assignment and should be taken very seriously.

Code Academy: Intro to jQuery

jQuery is a JS library widely adopted by news developers because of its ease of use, familiary selection process and wide ranging methods for DOM manipulation.

Code academy's course introduces you to jQuery and its power.

Class 9 - Coding class

Write data viz pitch

Code Academy: Intro to jQuery

Work on your site while we talk about your data viz pitches 1-on-1

Site Checkpoint #2

Your homepage should be complete and inside pages should be reviewable. A draft of your data visualization should also be on your site.

Class 10 - Coding class

Site Checkpoint #2

In class critiques for site.

Continue working on your site

Continue to make changes your site and improve it toward its finished project. Be sure to note any hangups to get help in class.

Data viz checkpoint

A nearly complete version of your visualization will be reviewed and critiqued. Be sure your product is at a point that you would publish it

Class 11 - Coding class

Data viz checkpoint

In-class critiques of your data viz so far. Then coding time.

Class 12 - Last class

Final critiques. You will present a finished product in class, complete with all inside pages, multimedia and data visualization. Take notes on the critiques as you will be able to adopt them before grading. Final site is due 1 week later at midnight.



  1. Obtain a working knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript
  2. Learn how report for data visualization
  3. Acquire the skills to successfully plan and execute the development of a data interactive
  4. Plan and develop a website to present the written, interactive and multimedia components of a story


You can email us at [email protected]. The class also has a slack team you must sign up for using your stonybrook.edu email address.

Identifying yourself

When reporting, students are obligated to make clear to sources that they are working on stories that may be published or broadcast. Students should not tell a source: "Don't worry, this is just for a class." A reporter's sources must understand that information and quotes provided can appear in print or online or be broadcast. Our class will focus on developing well-coded sites that will be well-indexed by search engines, which means not only will sources and their quotes be published on the web, but they could very well appear when a source searches for themselves on Google. You don't want them to be surprised by this, especially since it is a lot easier to get a set a site indexed by Google than to have it removed.


Students will provide contact information for all sources in a story, no matter what the platform. This list includes names, telephone numbers and email addresses. Instructors will make random checks to verify sources and information. An assignment without a full list of sources will not be accepted.

Food and drink

Food and drink are banned in the Newsroom and any computer.

Disruptive behavior

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people As stated in the Code of Student Responsibility, "No student shall impede or disrupt any educational, research, administrative, social or recreational activity of the University; nor shall any student create a nuisance to members or guests of the University community" (Article III.A.9.a., page 18, in the Code). Students involved in such conduct are subject to disciplinary action. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.


If circumstances prevent your attending class, the instructor must be informed by phone or email on or before the day of class or within 24 hours afterward. The policy of the School of Journalism is as follows: In a class that meets once a week, more than one unexcused absence will result in the loss of 1/3 of a letter grade. Each subsequent unexcused absence will result in the loss of 1/3 of a letter grade.


All university email communications use your primary campus address ([email protected]). If you are not using that ad- dress, you will not receive any university email, including Blackboard. There is a Blackboard account for this course. Check daily for an- nouncements. Failure to check e-mail will not be accepted as an excuse for missing announcements or assignment changes. If you have not done so already, you must set up a Blackboard account. Please verify your email address on Blackboard. For help, call 631- 632-9602. If you choose to forward your official University email to another off campus account, I am not responsible for any undeliverable messages to your alternative personal accounts. Not checking email isn’t an ac- ceptable excuse for missing assignments.

Assignment turn in

Your homework assignments will be turned in on the class blog. Each design assignment will need a rationale (a few paragraphs explain- ing why you made the design choices you did). The homework is due posted by 9 a.m. on the due date. authorship. It covers literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual works. The published or broadcast work of student journalists, just like any other author, is protected by copyright. The School of Journalism diligently protects its own copyrighted materials and respects the copyrights of others. The SOJ expects students to abide by all SUNY, Stony Brook University and SOJ copyright policies. When in doubt about the use of any materials created by a third party, always consult with your instructor.


The emphasis is on the student’s grasp of each assignment. There will be no midterm or final exam. You will be graded on your participation in class, and projects. For the breakdown of what each project is worth, see the sidebar on this page. Here are the criteria for letter grades:

  • “A” work is superior; dramatically surpasses minimum requirements
  • “B” work is good; exceeds minimum requirements
  • “C” work meets minimum requirements
  • “D” work is poor; does not meet minimum requirements
  • “F” work is not acceptable or not turned in.
Important: Only semester grades of C or above count for credit toward the journal- ism major or minor. Any student earning a C-minus or below who intends to continue in the journalism program must retake the class and will not be able to continue in other journalism skills classes.


This class will require a domain name and hosting plan. GoDaddy is the path of least resistance for this. You will have access to all journalism school resources for all multimedia and web development requirements for this class.

Mobile devices

Having a mobile device in class is strongly encouraged. Reviewing your code and site's performance and appearance on mobile is a crucial process to building a successful website. If you're using the device to text or be on social media it will impact your participation grade and likely your website and data visualization's final product.


Copyright is the exclusive legal right of a creator or owner to repro- duce, publish, adapt, sell or distribute his or her original work of authorship. It covers literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual works. The published or broadcast work of student journalists, just like any other author, is protected by copyright. The School of Journalism diligently protects its own copyrighted materials and respects the copyrights of others. The SOJ expects students to abide by all SUNY, Stony Brook University and SOJ copyright policies. When in doubt about the use of any materials created by a third party, always consult with your instructor.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Americans with Disabilities Act/ Student Accessibility Support Center: If you have a physical, psychological, visual, hearing, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Student Accessibility Support Center in the ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, Room 128, (631) 632-6748. All requests for a disability-related accommodation must originate with SASC. It is the student’s responsibility to contact SASC, which will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. A professor can not accept disability-related documentation directly from a student. Syllabus statement PLEASE NOTE: Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following website.

Press Passes

All majors and minors in reporting courses will be issued an SOJ Press Pass. These cards are intended to identify student reporters to sources and authorities and to facilitate their movements around cam- pus. Students will sign for the cards, on forms to be provided, agreeing to comply with the rules or forfeit the card. They will be worn or carried and displayed at all SOJ assignments.


Any form of fabrication, plagiarism, cheating or other ethical offense will be reported to the Academic Judiciary Committee and can result in a failing grade for the course, dismissal from the journalism program or expulsion from the university. This includes your code -- if you are using an online tutorial and they give you some code to work with be sure to make it your own and include a comment following the code citing where you got it and why you're using it. For example:

Sample markup happens here
This is to your benefit as well as it will allow you to go back and look at the original if necessary. Here is the University’s statement on academic dishonesty: “Plagiarism is the use of others’ words and/or ideas without clearly acknowledg- ing their source. As students, you are learning about other people’s ideas in your course texts, your instructors’ lectures, in-class discussions, and when doing your own research. When you incorporate those words and ideas into your own work, it is of the utmost importance that you give credit where it is due. Plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is considered academic dishonesty and all instances will be reported to the Academic Judiciary. To avoid plagiarism, you must give the original author credit whenever you use another person’s ideas, opinions, drawings, or theories as well as any facts or any other pieces of information that are not common knowledge. Additionally quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words; or a close paraphrasing of another person’s spoken or written words must also be referenced. Accurately citing all sources and putting direct quotations – of even a few key words – in quotation marks are required.” For further information on academic integrity and the policies regarding academic dishonesty, go to Academic Judiciary at www.stonybrook.edu/uaa/academicjudiciary Examples of cheating include: Using sources for stories or assignments that are known to the student. Jour- nalism students must not use friends, family members, roommates, classmates or business associates – anyone they know – as subjects. If you believe an exemption is warranted, you must receive prior approval from your instructor. Multiple submissions of the same work. Cheating in any form on an exam or assignment. • Unpermitted collaboration on work. Falsifying any document, including excuse notes. • Making up sources, quotes, facts or references.


There is a Blackboard account for this course. Check daily for announcements. Failure to check e-mail will not be accepted as an excuse for missing announcements or assignment changes. If you have not done so already, you must set up a Blackboard account. Please verify your email address on Blackboard. For help, call 631-632-9602.

Religious Holidays:

Information can be found on the Office of the Provost website

The Academic Calendar:

For important dates and deadlines, please consult the Academic Calendar on the Registrar's website

Library Resources Online

The Stony Brook University Libraries provide access to a variety of subscription resources, including newspapers (the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, etc.), journals (Columbia Journalism Review, Journalism Practice, etc.), and books (the AP Stylebook Online). More detailed information on the libraries' resources and services is available at http://guides.library.stonybrook.edu/journalism.

Deadlines in Journalism Matter

You must meet Deadlines by filing your assignments no later than due date and time. Missing a deadline results in an automatic half-grade reduction. Your grade will continue to drop by half a grade for each subsequent day after the deadline until you file your assignment. Plan ahead and remember that in journalism: done is better than perfect. It will always be better to hand in something than nothing. If you are having trouble with your assignment let me know immediately, do not wait until it is too late.



This class is based very much on critique and improvement. If you’re not contributing in class, it hurts everyone, and you most of all.


Homework/Blog Posts

Homework helps you test your understanding of the concepts learned in class. It is critical for helping you find understanding and formulate questions about things you need clarified. It also helps you to cover a lot of the ground that simply cannot be covered in a once-per-week class. Homework is due at the beginning of class.


Data visualization

Your grasp of the design concepts learned in class will come into play into an interactive data visualization created using any tool you like (high charts, Fusion Tables or straight javascript if you like).


Site Design

Clean code, good design principles, mobile and tablet-friendliness, and ease of use will all be considered in the final project for the class. The content will come from your JRN490 class (or previous classes, if you are doing a portfolio) so you will be graded purely on how the content is presented on the Web.
